Our last duo made films together for Japan’s masterful director Yasujiro Ozu.  The two most celebrated of the films outside Japan are Late Spring and Tokyo Story.  In Late Spring Setsuko Hara plays the daughter of a widower.  She still lives at home and delights in being with her father and serving as a dutiful daughter.  The father, played by Chishu Ryu, is happy in the situation until family and friends begin telling him that he is selfish and that he should be seeing to the marrying off of his daughter.  The hurt for both of them at the thought of impending separation  —  and the hurt for the daughter at thinking her father wants her gone  —   are superbly played and heartbreaking, especially by Ryu who feels he must not show her how hard this is for him.

Tokyo Story is one of the most celebrated of all Japanese exports and regularly makes critics’ and directors’ lists of the ten greatest films of all time.  Chishu Ryu plays the husband of a couple who decide to go and visit their adult, married children in Tokyo.  During the visit they gradually become aware that they are not wanted, that they are in the way.  Their hurt is overwhelming for the viewer because husband and wife endure it so stoically  —  nay, heroically.  The only family member welcoming them is their daughter-in-law, wife of their son, killed in the war.  She is played by Setsuko Hara.

Setsuko Hara may have lacked versatility, but she was excellent in all her roles.  Reflecting on her career, I find that I think of Henry Fonda.  I have often said and written about Fonda:  You believe every word he says.  Setsuko Hara is believable at every moment in every role.

Words fail to capture the work of charismatic superstar and subtle actor Chishu Ryu.  He made, literally, over 100 films, and he appeared in 50 of the 56 made by Ozu.  Rick’s Flicks has asked before:  Was he Ozu’s muse?  Or was Ozu his?  (See Rick’s Flicks post for 8/7/20 in which Chishu Ryu numbers among our top 5 performances of all time.)

Rick’s Flicks is pleased to close its series of DUOs with an incomparable pair from Japan.

Rick’s Flicks would be happy to hear from readers concerning duos you admire.

Next FRIDAY post December 9.

Until then,
Enjoy a movie,

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